Chile: A Winter Wonderland in the Southern Hemisphere

Patagonia landscape

Chile with its diverse landscapes and unique geographical features, offers an array of winter experiences for travellers. From the arid desert of San Pedro de Atacama to the snow-capped peaks of Chilean Patagonia, here’s a glimpse of what awaits during the colder months: 1. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile : Winter Desert Stargazing San Pedro […]

Top 5 Cultural Experiences on offer in Chile for Culture Vultures

Chile is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage. It blends European influences with native traditions. If you’re a culture vulture, here are five captivating experiences to consider during your visit: Visit an Estancia in Chile Estancias are large farms or ranches in South America, they are often associated with cattle farming. In […]

Viva Vendimia: A Toast to Chile’s Annual Grape Harvest Celebration

people toasting wine

Vendimia, the Annual Harvest Festival of Chile Exploring wineries and wine festivals in Chile takes on an extra level of excitement during the vendimia. The term “vendimia” generally denotes harvests, particularly in the context of the grape harvest festivals in Chile and Argentina. Most vendimias occur from mid-March to mid-April, though exact dates can vary […]